Monday, November 7, 2011

Empire East Property land holdings no license to sell? Adriatico Gardens wants to be stopped?

The story...

...whilst under orders from HLURB not to, the developer continues to sell, to advertise, and to collect amortisation payments from buyers who it has illegally sold units to.  The developer has not been issued with a License to Sell for the majority of the development,a new one is required from HLURB.  The developer needs to obtain a Certificate of Registration from HLURB.  It also has to get Advertisement approval from HLURB.  It also has to get Development Plan approval, again for the majority of the project.  Basically, the project is being sold and developed without HLURB approval, yet HLURB is the government agency who is responsible for land development and use within the Philippines... (subject for verification)

The same issue was also reported in TV5.
To view the report in TV5, please click this link: TV5 Aksyon Balita

Then Last November 4, 2011 a newspaper reported that another project of Empire East Properties is being asked to stop its construction for environmental issues/violations.  Here's the clip from Manila Standard today:

What is the significance of all these issues to other buyers of Empire East like us from Xavier Hills?
Well with all the issues confronting Empire East from all of its existing condominium it is not surprising that they allowed us to sell and occupy our units without the necessary permits from City Hall.  It is their habit in my opinion to violate the law.  Why do they do that?  Well, bad habits are hard to stop, its like an addiction that needs rehabilitation.  

If you want to know why Empire East land Holdings Condominium is not safe click here

If you want to know why Empire East Land Holdings is not a good choice, please click here

To discover more issues ignored by Empire East land Holdings, please click here


Empire East issues

The elevators that we use do not have the permit to operate issued by the QC Engineer's Office.

The four towers of Xavier Hills condo have no Fire safety inspection certificate from the Bureau of Fire. For details please click this link:  Safety

For these violations, penalties have been cited in the recommendations issued by the Bureau of Fire but the big question remains, who is going to pay the penalty, will they get it from our association dues?  Empire East has no response yet to this issue.

The absence of safety certificates is not exclusive to Xavier Hills, Green Hills Garden Square were issued and given safety certificates even before the building was finished.  When an investigation was conducted through the requests of the owners, 21 violations in the fire code were found.  Cambridge village also shares the same issue on safety.

The cost and purchase of 12 cctv's in our condo reached P420,000.00

The cost on the rehabilitation of mail boxes reached P200,000.00

The rehabilitation of the playground had been included as one of the reasons for the increase in the association dues effective January 2010. Sad to say no rehabilitation is done as of this date.

It was reported in TV5 that Empire East Property Land Holdings has no License to Sell or Certificate of Registration for their project in Cambridge Village.  A reflection on the habit of Empire East to ignore the law.  For full details of the story please click this link: Empire Beast. 
To view the report in TV5, please click this link: TV5 Aksyon Balita

If you want to know why Empire East Land Holdings is not a good choice, please click here

Other issues from other projects: (subject for verification)
..., this village (Cambridge) is not peaceful, because there is no drainage, the the buildings here are designed for a maximum of 3 storey building, yet when the developer saw that their prohibited merchandize saleable they increased the hieght to 12 storey without the knowledge of the HLUrb, for which this developer has penalized P578,000. Just recently, the HLURB has penalized again Empire East the amount of P272,000.00. Now I am preparing the criminal complaint for violation of Articles 315, 171, 172, and 173 of the Revised Penal Code. and violation of Section 39 of the provisions of P.D. 957... source: Cambridge Village Home Owners FB account