Green Hills Garden Square is a condominium project of Empire East Land Holdings. When it was inspected by Quezon City Hall in 2003, officials found 21 violations in the fire code. In short, Empire East Land Holdings let the owners stay in their units without complying first to the safety standards set by the Bureau of Fire and Protection. .
In 2005, Xavier Hills condominium, another condominium developed by Empire East, was turned over to the owners. Unfortunately, for the second time, our good developer let the unit owners occupy the condo without the necessary safety permits from Quezon City Hall. After 6 years Empire East land Holdings continue to violate the law. Complaints are already filed to Quezon city Hall but as of May 2011, the situation remains the same. How does Empire East land Holdings get away with it? That's the big question!
Below are the safety violations in Xavier Hills Condominium:
Door of Main stair at ground floor not swing in the direction of exit travel at tower 4 in violation of rule 3 division 4 sec 3 402 para B (2) of the pd 1185 (Empire East Property Review)
Fire exit doors not provided with panic hardware latch in violation of rule 3 division 4 section 3.402 para F of the PD 1185 (Empire East Property Review)
Door of garbage chute not provided with self closing device, in violation of Rule 3 Division 6 sec 3.603 para A of the PD 1185 (Empire East Land Holdings Property Review)
No illuminated exit signs in violation of rule 3 div 10 sec 3.1004 para B (5) (b) of the PD 1185 (Empire East Land Holdings Property Review)
The elevators of the four towers do not have the necessary inspection certificate from the office of the building officials. No wonder a lot of residents have been trapped inside the elevators. (Empire East Property Review)
Fire exits and stairwells are not pressurized, exit doors have gaps at the bottom where smoke can easily pass through. (Empire East Land Holdings Property Review)
A lot of sprinklers are not properly installed and are almost buried in the ceiling. (Empire East Land Holdings Property Review)
There could be more violations and the pictures below can clearly speak for that undeniable fact.
Empire East Land Holdings Property Review
Empire East Land Holdings Property Review
Broken fire exit door/window (Empire East Land Holdings Property Review)
Empire East Land Holdings Property Review
I would like to quote the declaration in the fire Safety Inspection Certificate issued by the Bureau of fire:
“Violation of Fire Code provisions shall IPSO FACTO immediately cause this certification to become null and void, and shall hold the owner of the building liable to the penalties provided for by the said Fire Code 2008 (RA-9514)”
I was present during the inspection and I have been asking for a copy of the results since then but first Oceanic property management, the board and Empire East property continue to decline my request.